Programming/PHP2014. 9. 16. 18:04

1. Redis List 데이터 사용 샘플소스

  1. <?php
  2. $redis = new Redis();
  3. try {
  4. $redis->connect('', 6379, 2.5);//2.5 sec timeout
  5. //Auth Password(redis.conf requirepass)
  6. //$redis->auth('foobared');
  7. } catch (Exception $e) {
  8. exit( "Cannot connect to redis server : ".$e->getMessage() );
  9. }
  10. // //DB Select
  11. if ( !$redis->select(0) ){
  12. exit( "NOT DB Select");
  13. }
  14. $redis->delete('weblog:ws1');
  15. //rPush 맨아래 배열로 입력
  16. $redis->rPush('weblog:ws1', 'log1');
  17. $redis->rPush('weblog:ws1', 'log2');
  18. $redis->rPush('weblog:ws1', 'log3');
  19. $redis->rPush('weblog:ws1', 'log4');
  20. //lPush 첫번째 배열로 입력
  21. $redis->lPush('weblog:ws1', 'log5');
  22. //0~2번까지배열 가져오기
  23. var_dump($redis->lRange('weblog:ws1', 0, 2));
  24. //전체배열데이터 가져오기
  25. var_dump($redis->lRange('weblog:ws1', 0, -1));
  26. ?>

2. Redis 들어있는 데이터

3. 추가명령어 메뉴얼참조

blPop, brPop - Remove and get the first/last element in a list

brpoplpush - Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it

lIndex, lGet - Get an element from a list by its index

lInsert - Insert an element before or after another element in a list

lLen, lSize - Get the length/size of a list

lPop - Remove and get the first element in a list

lPush - Prepend one or multiple values to a list

lPushx - Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists

lRange, lGetRange - Get a range of elements from a list

lRem, lRemove - Remove elements from a list

lSet - Set the value of an element in a list by its index

lTrim, listTrim - Trim a list to the specified range

rPop - Remove and get the last element in a list

rpoplpush - Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and return it (redis >= 1.1)

rPush - Append one or multiple values to a list

rPushx - Append a value to a list, only if the list exists

Posted by 시니^^
Programming/PHP2014. 9. 16. 16:26

1. Redis Hash 데이터 사용 샘플 소스

  1. <?php
  2. $redis = new Redis();
  3. try {
  4. $redis->connect('', 6379, 2.5);//2.5 sec timeout
  5. //Auth Password(redis.conf requirepass)
  6. //$redis->auth('foobared');
  7. } catch (Exception $e) {
  8. exit( "Cannot connect to redis server : ".$e->getMessage() );
  9. }
  10. // //DB Select
  11. if ( !$redis->select(0) ){
  12. exit( "NOT DB Select");
  13. }
  14. $redis->delete('user_list');
  15. $redis->hSet('user_list', 'uid1', 1);
  16. $redis->hSet('user_list', 'uid2', 2);
  17. $redis->hSet('user_list', 'uid3', 3);
  18. if ( $redis->hExists('user_list','uid1') ){
  19. echo "uid1 : ".$redis->hGet('user_list','uid1')."\n";
  20. }else{
  21. echo 'NOT_DATA';
  22. }
  23. //여러개 HASH 데이터 한번에 입력
  24. $redis->hMset('user_list', array('uid4' => 4, 'uid5' =>5));
  25. //여러개 HASH 데이터를 한번에 가져옴
  26. var_dump($redis->hMGet('user_list', array('uid4', 'uid5')));
  27. var_dump($redis->hGetAll('user_list'));
  28. /*
  29. * Print
  30. uid1 : 1
  31. array(2) {
  32. ["uid4"]=>
  33. string(1) "4"
  34. ["uid5"]=>
  35. string(1) "5"
  36. }
  37. array(5) {
  38. ["uid1"]=>
  39. string(1) "1"
  40. ["uid2"]=>
  41. string(1) "2"
  42. ["uid3"]=>
  43. string(1) "3"
  44. ["uid4"]=>
  45. string(1) "4"
  46. ["uid5"]=>
  47. string(1) "5"
  48. }
  49. */
  50. ?>

2. Redis 들어있는 데이터

3. 추가 명령어 메뉴얼 참조

hDel - Delete one or more hash fields

hExists - Determine if a hash field exists

hGet - Get the value of a hash field

hGetAll - Get all the fields and values in a hash

hIncrBy - Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number

hIncrByFloat - Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount

hKeys - Get all the fields in a hash

hLen - Get the number of fields in a hash

hMGet - Get the values of all the given hash fields

hMSet - Set multiple hash fields to multiple values

hSet - Set the string value of a hash field

hSetNx - Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist

hVals - Get all the values in a hash

hScan - Scan a hash key for members

Posted by 시니^^
Programming/PHP2014. 9. 16. 16:07

Connect와 기본 keys-and-strings 샘플자료

  1. <?php
  2. $redis = new Redis();
  3. try {
  4. $redis->connect('', 6379, 2.5);//2.5 sec timeout
  5. //Auth Password(redis.conf requirepass)
  6. //$redis->auth('foobared');
  7. } catch (Exception $e) {
  8. exit( "Cannot connect to redis server : ".$e->getMessage() );
  9. }
  10. // //DB Select
  11. if ( !$redis->select(0) ){
  12. exit( "NOT DB Select");
  13. }
  14. $redis->set('key1','value1',10); //유효기간 10초
  15. echo $redis->get('key1');
  16. /*
  17. * print : value1
  18. */
  19. ?>

자세한 명령어 사용법은 아래 메뉴얼참조


append - Append a value to a key

bitcount - Count set bits in a string

bitop - Perform bitwise operations between strings

decr, decrBy - Decrement the value of a key

get - Get the value of a key

getBit - Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key

getRange - Get a substring of the string stored at a key

getSet - Set the string value of a key and return its old value

incr, incrBy - Increment the value of a key

incrByFloat - Increment the float value of a key by the given amount

mGet, getMultiple - Get the values of all the given keys

mSet, mSetNX - Set multiple keys to multiple values

set - Set the string value of a key

setBit - Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key

setex, psetex - Set the value and expiration of a key

setnx - Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist

setRange - Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset

strlen - Get the length of the value stored in a key


del, delete - Delete a key

dump - Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.

exists - Determine if a key exists

expire, setTimeout, pexpire - Set a key's time to live in seconds

expireAt, pexpireAt - Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp

keys, getKeys - Find all keys matching the given pattern

scan - Scan for keys in the keyspace (Redis >= 2.8.0)

migrate - Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one

move - Move a key to another database

object - Inspect the internals of Redis objects

persist - Remove the expiration from a key

randomKey - Return a random key from the keyspace

rename, renameKey - Rename a key

renameNx - Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist

type - Determine the type stored at key

sort - Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set

ttl, pttl - Get the time to live for a key

restore - Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained with dump.

Posted by 시니^^
Programming/PHP2014. 9. 16. 12:32 

=> 공식 사이트 들어가보면  아래 두가지를 추천하는 듯함

Predis ☺ ★ Repository JoL1hAHN Mature and supported

phpredis ☺ ★ Repository yowgi This is a client written in C as a PHP module.

아무래도 C로 작성된 PHP 모듈이 성능이 더 좋지 않을가?? 라는 생각에 아래 phpredis 하기로함
테스트는 해봐야겠지만.............
그리고 보니까... 도 지원함 좋다!!

설치방법 아래 참조

$ wget -O
$ unzip 
$ ll
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root   4096 Sep  3 04:27 nicolasff-phpredis-4c1f1bc

$ cd nicolasff-phpredis-4c1f1bc/
$ phpize 
Can't find PHP headers in /usr/include/php
The php-devel package is required for use of this command.

$ yum install php-devel #PHP devel 미설치시 설치하기!
$ phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version:         20121113
Zend Module Api No:      20121212
Zend Extension Api No:   220121212

$ ./configure
$ make && make install
Installing shared extensions:     /usr/lib64/php/modules/

$ cd /usr/lib64/php/modules/
$ ll | grep redis
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  942112 Sep 16 12:11

##### php.conf 디렉토리에 맞게 ini 에 extension 등록하기! 안되면 php.ini등록해도됨
$ echo > /etc/php.d/redis.ini 

##### 웹서버종류에 따라서 Apache Restart 또는 php-fpm restart
$ /etc/init.d/php-fpm restart

##### 최종확인
$ php -i | grep 'Redis Version'
Redis Version => 2.2.5

<?php phpinfo() ?> 
Redis Support => enabled
Redis Version => 2.2.5

Posted by 시니^^
DB/NoSQL/Redis2014. 9. 15. 19:08

$ wget $ tar xvfz redis-2.8.15.tar.gz $ cd redis-2.8.15 $ make -j4 $ make install -j4 ###### /etc/init.d/ 추가되도록 install############################# ###### vi /etc/init.d/redis_6379 열어보면 실행방식 자세히 알 수 있음 $ cd utils/ $ ./ Welcome to the redis service installer This script will help you easily set up a running redis server Please select the redis port for this instance: [6379] ###포트지정하면됨 Selecting default: 6379 Please select the redis config file name [/etc/redis/6379.conf] Selected default - /etc/redis/6379.conf Please select the redis log file name [/var/log/redis_6379.log] Selected default - /var/log/redis_6379.log Please select the data directory for this instance [/var/lib/redis/6379] Selected default - /var/lib/redis/6379 Please select the redis executable path [/usr/local/bin/redis-server] Selected config: Port : 6379 Config file : /etc/redis/6379.conf ##설정파일 Log file : /var/log/redis_6379.log ##로그파일 Data dir : /var/lib/redis/6379 Executable : /usr/local/bin/redis-server Cli Executable : /usr/local/bin/redis-cli Is this ok? Then press ENTER to go on or Ctrl-C to abort. Copied /tmp/6379.conf => /etc/init.d/redis_6379 Installing service... Successfully added to chkconfig! Successfully added to runlevels 345! Starting Redis server... Installation successful! ###################################################### ### redis 실행######################################## $ /etc/init.d/redis_6379 start Starting Redis server... ### redis 중지######################################## $ /etc/init.d/redis_6379 stop Stopping ... Redis stopped ### 커맨드라인 콘솔모드 접속 ######################### $ redis-cli>

Posted by 시니^^